JOG-A-DOG / PAT-A-CAT understands that we are entrusted with the responsibility of entering the client’s house and caring for the pet. Under no circumstances will we breach that trust and responsibility.
The client should be aware and agree that when a regular dog walker becomes ill, a reliable and capable walker under JOG-A-DOG‘s contract will be sent on their behalf. In most situations, you have met that person before hand.
Civic or statutory holiday walks need to be specified.
Payment: Payments are due on the last day that the services are rendered (usually Fridays). Please make cheques payable to Dianne Eibner. Cash is also accepted.
Cancellation Policy: We don’t want you to cancel… but…
It is in the client’s best interest to be aware and understand that there is a fee for cancellation if the walker of the company is not notified at least a day in advance. The fee is a charge of $10. The same charge applies for payments that are late. Deposits are required for Boarding to reserve your spot and may not be returned if it is for a Holiday or other peak seasons.
JOG-A-DOG / PAT-A-CAT wish to stress the importance of care and love that all pets (as well as people) need everyday of our lives. We want you to feel confident that JOG-A-DOG / PAT-A-CAT provides your pet with all that while your pet is in our care. Ultimately, you must be the one to give your dog the time and attention they deserve after all for being your best friend.